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About UsOver the years, we’ve had a few customers wonder why eggs need to be refrigerated. If you’re into historical fiction, you most likely recall books and shows like Little House on the Prairie. In stories like that series, we hear about how folks collected their chickens’ eggs and just left them on the kitchen counter! In fact, even today, people who raise their own chickens can do the same – unwashed eggs are safe to keep unrefrigerated for up to 2 weeks. So why do you have to refrigerate the eggs you get from the Old Dutch Cupboard and other grocery stores?
Unwashed eggs have a naturally-produced thin, protective film – called a “bloom” – coating the shell. This layer is there to seal the shells of the eggs and make sure no bacteria seeps through the shells’ pores, keeping the eggs protected during the laying and collection process. After collection, the eggs are washed, dried, inspected, and packed in cartons. The “bloom” is washed away during this process, so the eggs must then be kept refrigerated below 45 degrees Fahrenheit in order to prevent bacteria growth. Through this process, we can ensure that we are providing a safe, sanitary product for our customers!
Resource: White Oak Pastures blog