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About UsIt doesn’t seem that long ago that we were being told eating eggs, especially the yolks, was extremely bad for our heart health. Now, people are saying that eating eggs can actually reduce your risk of heart disease. Which information should you believe?
We’re glad you asked! We took a deep dive into the research and have found that eating eggs does not increase your risk of heart attack or any other cardiovascular disease when eaten in moderation. This is great news because it means you don’t have to toss out your carton of eggs or avoid your favorite breakfast of eggs and toast. Eat eggs to your heart’s content — just in moderation and with some thought to the foods you are pairing with the eggs.
In the past, eggs were considered bad for one’s health because of their cholesterol levels. Your cholesterol intake can indeed affect your heart health, especially if you are mostly consuming LDL cholesterol (or bad cholesterol). So, it made sense that you would reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease if you avoided eggs (and their cholesterol).
Since that time, further research has been conducted and published. This new research shows that most of the cholesterol in our bodies comes from our liver as it processes saturated fats and trans fats. Our cholesterol levels do not rise from consuming dietary cholesterol. The research also shows that a single large egg only contains about 1.5 grams of saturated fat. It’s unlikely consuming an egg will affect your cholesterol levels much when you eat them in moderation (one per day). In fact, eggs have other healthy nutrients that are good for your eyes, brain, and nerves, so you could benefit from eating eggs on a regular basis.
Other research shows that eating eggs daily can actually lower your risk of heart disease. For example, one research showed that daily egg eaters had an 18% lower chance of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who avoided eggs. The study also found that people who ate up to one egg per day had a 26% lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Since then, other research, such as this one published in BMJ, has been conducted, and each one shows that moderate egg consumption is not associated with heart disease and may even improve your heart health.
As you can see, research supports people eating up to seven eggs a week without worrying about increasing their risk of heart disease. In fact, consuming eggs can even improve their health. It’s all about finding a balance.
You should not consume too much of one thing as it leaves your body lacking in other essential nutrients. Additionally, you need to be careful about what you eat with the eggs. While eggs are nutritious, their health benefits can diminish if we are constantly pairing them with bacon or cooking them in oil or butter. So, while you shouldn’t avoid eggs, be mindful of how much you consume and how you consume them.
Instead of frying your eggs or pairing them with bacon, sausage, home fries, and hash browns, which are full of bad carbs and increase your heart disease risk, try these healthy — and delicious — ways to consume your daily intake of eggs:
Is your stomach grumbling looking at that list of healthy ways to eat eggs? Don’t make your taste buds wait any longer. Stop by The Old Dutch Cupboard in Telford, PA, and pick up some of the most nutritious eggs in the area.
We carry Alderfer organic eggs as well as Hidden Nest soy-free eggs, so you can be sure to get eggs that suit your dietary preferences and taste amazing. Swing by our shop today or reach out with any questions you may have about our eggs or other products.